Fun photos and video for our out of town family who can't share everyday with us!
Friday, April 9, 2004
Kenna's Aplastic Anemia Journey - 04.09.2004
Good Friday 4-9
Adrienne had a phone conversation with a mom whose son was diagnosed with aplastic anemia at age seven, and he is now getting married. But it was a long and tenuous road to recovery. After three years, and within a day of receiving a bone marrow transplant from a donor in England , the last test on the very day before surgery showed a little activity in his own bone marrow. This is likely to be a very long recovery. On this day when we traditionally venerate the cross of Christ, expressing gratitude to Him for the wood upon which He won our salvation, asking Him along with the community to help us embrace our own, it seems particularly meaningful this year. Thank you for supporting us with your prayers as His Mother did Him on that difficult journey.
It was so good to hear Kenna laughing today. She has had such a wary look even at home. She reluctantly was able to let Momma leave her with me for a couple of hours and we enjoyed a walk to the park rather like old times. It's slow going--she doesn't have the same energy--and I had to stick to her like a shadow so she wouldn't try anything that would bruise her. But she and Carsyn had great time exploring and running free--untethered from that IV pole. Hope she sleeps well tonight--I know I will!
Love, MJ