Fun photos and video for our out of town family who can't share everyday with us!
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Kenna's Aplastic Anemia Journey - 04.14.2004
Even with Tylenol at bedtime Kenna's fever climbed to 104 in the early morning before her folks woke up to check on her. So off to the hospital again at 5am. Actually Adrienne is relieved, in a way, that it went up high enough to send them over there where she doesn't have to keep vigilant and wondering about what might need to be done. Now she can rest easy because the nurses come take vitals regularly. She has her laptop and can keep up with her work from there. So there is a gift in every event.
The culture showed positive for a common contagious virus that would only be uncomfortable like a cold, if Kenna were healthy. But with no immune system, she is fair game for bronchitis or pneumonia complications, so needs to be monitored for a few days. All the kids on that floor are in compromised health ,so she is again confined to isolation. Her spirits are much better
this time though. The irritable after-effects of the powerful drug treatment she got are wearing off, and the nasty steroids are being tapered off, so she is much easier to reason with. Another blessing.
Keep up the prayers that we are alert and learning the life lessons this is all able to give us.