Monday, May 10, 2004

Kenna's Aplastic Anemia Journey - 05.10.2004

Week 10 - Monday, May 10, 2004

It sure seems a lot longer that that! And some days are longer than others. We agree this was a very long day. Kenna has had good vitals for a couple of days, so to get ready to discharge her she was scheduled for a follow-up CT scan at noon. That meant nothing to eat in the morning, with a long hard wait while distracting Kenna. With delays, they did’t get done until 2.

The results were surprising and disturbing. Her right lung is collapsed because of fluid in her chest, and she has pneumonia in the left lung. She had no symptoms! So they made us pack up the room to move to pediatric intensive care to drain the fluid. After 3 weeks staying there, it’s quite a collection of toys, gifts, snack foods, clothes, videos, etc.

Another hurry up and wait, wait, wait. They gave her twilight sleep again, as they did this afternoon to keep her still for the CT scan, and did the drain about 9:30pm. She’ll now have that again for several days. The good news is that they had platelets from a designated donor ready for her. Thank you to the donors and the recruiters out there!!

The hallways today were full of firefighters standing around in support of two of their comrades whose two-year-old son was a drowning victim Saturday night. He didn’t make it. They were standing vigil on Mother’s Day last night while we were having a family picnic dinner in the hospital patio. Our trial pales by comparison.