Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Kenna's Aplastic Anemia Journey - 05.18.2004

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

I arrived at the hospital just as they returned from x-ray. (The results of which later revealed that the lungs are greatly improved.) The walk downstairs left her with a taste for more, but not having crossed the mandatory 24hrs without fever, she couldn’t venture back out into the halls with the other kids. She was heartbroken, but let herself get interested in a game and then took a shower, much needed since the fever broke at 4am in a drenching sweat. She nonchalantly gave Mom permission to go out for some errands. She also ate a bit here and there today without unpleasant consequences, and so far the fever has not returned. Oh, and also they were moved back into a private room at 6am. Many favors to be thankful for today.

Squeaky Clean!