Monday, April 5, 2004

Kenna's Aplastic Anemia Journey - 04.05.2004

Monday 4-5

Another day closer to coming home. the doctor wants to finish 5 full days of IV antibiotics, so they may get discharged Wed Morning.

They got a good night of sleep--before and after Kenna's mid-night cravings. The prediction was that the steroids would give her quite an appetite, but so far she hasn't had much in the day time. She woke at 3am demanding "sister's chips". they tried everything on the wing---popcorn, potato chips, cheese. Finally the nurse did the only thing possible...went down to the bottom floor cafeteria and bought cheese Doritos like Carsyn had been sharing with her in the afternoon! she was satisfied and went back to sleep. I don't think I told you that the night before there was a 3am clamor for a turkey sandwich, but that night Adrienne fortunately still had half stored in the fridge. Wonder what she'll "dream up" tonight.

Kenna is really coming to detest the hospital room. Because of the delicate health of all the children on her floor, she is confined to it when she has a fever and for 24 hours following. Glad to be out, they did a lot of walking today. When they are on their own 3rd floor, that means that Adrienne walks -- carrying her and pushing the IV pole. But today when they took the elevator and explored a bit of the hospital, Kenna was willing to walk there. The folks in the blood donor center were pleased to finally get to meet her. They had thought she was older. They have been overwhelmed with clients and have had to ask people not to come. But this is expected to be a long endeavor toward health, so hopefully folks will not loose enthusiasm now and will donate in the months to come.

The bone marrow testing results came in today. No match in Mom or Dad --and Carsyn was the least match--a total opposite. that means other family members are not likely either. The best bet would come from the national donor registry---but the doctor says we won't need that...this drug therapy IS GOING to work!

I was so tired yesterday--all catching up with me. So today I took the time to see The Passion with a friend who hadn't gone yet. It really moved me in a yet a different way this time. His mother's love is so tender and trusting in seeing her Innocent One suffering. Confident that God will make something good come from this inconceivable event. Surely she will help us to see that He has great plans for the tested and strengthened faith of Kenna and those who love her.

With Mama Mia & Her Son,