Tuesday, April 6, 2004

Kenna's Aplastic Anemia Journey - 04.06.2004

Date04/06/04 - Hospital

Tuesday 4-6

They're home again!!!

They got their walking orders about noon , and had the paperwork done and were waiting at the curb for me when I got to the hospital -- they couldn't wait to get out of that place! Kenna was finally glad to see me, I got waves and a big smile. Now hopefully they get to stay out longer than 4 days this time. Monday is a check-up, and a transfusion will be likely on Tuesday, depending on her counts.

Carsyn was thrilled to see them. I took them for a walk first thing so Mom could get a shower and then they played happily together all afternoon--when Kenna wasn't eating. At the hospital, in the middle of last night she woke up screaming for McDonald's (as Aunt Barbara and Sarah had brought her for dinner) and "I want to go OUT SIIIIIIIIIIIIDE!" What a blessing that after 6 days of captivity she finally got to get out into God's beautiful sunshine today.

Adrienne asked that I extend thanks to all who have sent notes and gifts. Depending on what stage they were in treatment at the time, she's afraid she can't even remember who sent what, but appreciates them all and the love they represent--even though you probably won't hear from her individually. This has left a lot of catching up to do. Chris has been working as the "office temp" in their home printing business, but I'm sure He will be glad to have Adrienne back on the job.

In great gratitude,


It's10:45 and Kenna just woke up and came downstairs looking for her early mid-night snack---of mac and cheese!

I was just thinking...we modern grandmas don't keep a wallet full of photos anymore...they are in my camera phone!!

Finally going home with a smile