Thursday, May 6, 2004

Kenna's Aplastic Anemia Journey - 05.06.2004

Date05/06/04 - Hospital




An exciting and encouraging development today. There is a certain marker in blood which can indicate bone marrow activity. Kenna's level has been 0 since the beginning of this. Yet today when a new Resident came in very early in the morning with the latest blood test to review her case, he said in an off-hand way, "Well, her ANC is only 45." Adrienne was suddenly wide awake. "What? What? She hasn't had any for weeks!" So Daddy got a 5am wake up call with that news! This week is the 6th week since the treatment, and the earliest that they said we could maybe start seeing some results. We can 't help but wonder if the assault on her body of this surgery triggered it to begin to fight back.

Still no results from the biopsy taken yesterday. Kenna is being kept fairly comfortable with morphine. She asked to get up and walk the halls several times today which the nurses say is unusual for a child right after surgery. They say her on and off fever is not unusual, so she is not confined to her room. Here's a photo from this evening. Now it takes 2 adults, since besides the IV pole, there is a drain tube and pump to carry.

Carsyn's preschool had a Mother's Day tea today. We had no idea until Aunt Kelley dropped her off and quickly made cell phone calls to the grandmas. Carsyn and I sat next to her special friend Colby for the cake. Ama Cheryl joined us in time for a photo with the special gifts she'll take to Momma.

Grateful for the surprise blessings in every unexpected event.

WalK after Surgery